Monday, November 26, 2007

Like an Insect Carried by the Wind

Sometimes I feel like I'm just floating along. Like some kind of insect. Blown by the wind in one direction, I begin flapping my puny wings, altering my course just so slightly so as to get pummeled by another gust of wind going a different direction.

I stretch and I buzz so furiously so as to draw the curious glances of other insects caught in the same breeze. I smile at them, continuing to fight for control. But I am tired, and behind my grin there is a weariness with it all--a feeling of vanity as I watch others lay back comfortably and float along. Yet here I am, struggling, striving, winning control; only to suddenly be shot up in a large pillar of air that deliriates my senses.


How life is so strange. Especially for a child of God. How I strive and stress and worry. Succeed, prevail, deliver and fail. All this effort, and God throws curve balls. You ask yourself, "Where did this come from?" Despite all your best efforts to influence your life for the better, God throws something in front of you that you didn't expect, making you wonder why you even try. And to top it off, everyone else looks like they're on cruise contol. And don't seem to be suffering for it.

In Ephesians 2:10 Paul says God has laid out good works for me to do. Seemingly saying that he already knows what He wants me on this earth for. Now I have an idea of what I want and what I am good at, and for the most part it seems like God's will is lining up with that. However, the way He plans to take me there...well, I just refuse to even guess. So many times the most random, unpredictable things will happen that I could have never planned for--which, of course, is the way God loves to work: surprising us.

And yet I worry. I worry and worry. Girls, job, money. But I'm reminded constantly that God has got it taken care of. How in the world does a guy like me end up affording a private Christian university? God. How does a professor that I could hardly stand suddenly start complimenting me and recommending me for jobs? God. How come my social worries seem to pan themselves out when I'm not worrying about them? God.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercies has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph. 1:2).

Be reminded, when you are feeling drained, that God just wants your trust. He'll give you everything you need; He just wants to know your priorities are right. Those who prove trustable with little, can then be trusted with more.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, We are Taking Tomorrow, a Christian band.

Please come check out our blog, vote on polls and post comments.

God Bless,
Taking Tomorrow